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The Research Paper of HFNU Student Presented at the 10th NCUIE

From November 18th to 19th, The 10th National Conference of Undergraduate on Innovation and Entrepreneurship & 10th Anniversary Celebration of NUSIP (National University Student Innovation Program) was held in Dalian Maritime University. This forum was organized by MOE (Ministry of Education). Over 1,300 people attended the meeting, including the heads of the MOE, MOT (Ministry of Transport) and Liaoning Province, some experts from NUSIP (and Innovative Teaching Advisory Board Under the Ministry of Education) and teachers and students from 261 universities and so on.  

Zheng Sihan,a student from the School of Mathematics and Computer in HFNU, brought her research paper to the conference with her tutors Yang Xuxin and Director of Teaching Affairs Li Maoping. After the presentation, the paper was highly praised by the jury. "It is the very difficult and meaningful project. It's also a frontier research that is suitable for undergraduates. We really appreciate your dedication and we hope you will continue to make efforts to spread the project to the society."

It is reported that the conference received 1066 papers from universities around the whole country. A total of 236 universities and 403 projects are selected. Among that, there are 166 academic papers, and only 4 are selected from Hunan Province, which are from Hunan University, Hunan Normal University, Hunan University of Commerce and Hunan First Normal University.



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