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HFNU’S Modern Dance Shortlists for the Lotus Award

On October 15th to17th, the 11th ChineseContemporary and Modern DanceCompetitionfor the Lotus Awardwasheld in Guangzhou. HFNU’S modern dance,29+1,shortlistedfor the Lotus Award,anddrew nationalattentionagain.

IntheChineseModern DanceCompetitionfor the Lotus Award , 16 workswereshortlisted for the final, whichwere electedfrom high-level professional groups anduniversitiesand vocational college of arts. HFNU’S modern dance, 29+1, stood out from the competition among theelectedworks throughout the country.The shortlistembodied theprofessional level and achievementof HFNU againafterthe otherwork, Class Eight Classroom,won the gold award in the9th ChineseCampusDanceCompetition for the Lotus Award in 2014.

ChineseDanceCompetitionfor the Lotus Awardis a national dance awarding event,which is approved to beestablishedbythe Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, and held byCFLAC(ChinaFederation of Literaryand ArtCircles)andChineseDancers Association. Itisappraised and elected every two years, and has already held 11 sessions sinceit wasestablished in1998.

ChineseDanceCompetitionfor the Lotus Awardis a national dance awarding event,which is approved to beestablishedbythe Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, and held byCFLAC(ChinaFederation of Literaryand ArtCircles)andChineseDancers Association. Itisappraised and elected every two years, and hasalready held 11 sessions sinceit wasestablished in1998.

ChineseDanceCompetitionfor the Lotus Awardwashonored as the most authoritativeExpert Awardof Chinesedance. Itholdsthe principle of profession, fairness,justice in order to encourage the dance workswhichpossessideological level, artistry and ornamental value and praise the eminentdance creation and performancetalents.

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