On Nov.9th,the final match of The First "iTeach" National University Student Digital Education Application Innovation Contest was held in Nanjing. This contest was hosted by Sub - Commission of Specialty Teaching and Guiding Educational Technology in Universities of Education Ministry and was organized by Nanjing Normal University. Under the guidance of teachers Li Yongfan ,He Xiangyang and Li Lichen , four works made by 8 students from HFNU Information Engineering school won awards. The works Magic World of Math——Principles of Parallelogram made by Liu Qi won the first prize . The two works The Classification of Triangles made by Liu Yuan ,Chen Yuxin and fin-Class made by Zhang Xuan and other students won the second prize.
It is said that this contest attracted more than one thousand graduates and undergraduates to participate and over two hundred participants were admitted into the final. The colleges of Hunan Province won three First Prizes and eight Second Prizes. The number and quality of the awards won by HFNU students are at the top rank of Hunan province.