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Students of HFNU Win Awards in the 5th “Three Solo” Contest

On 2nd December, 2017, the fifth “Three Solo” Contest in Hunan province was held in Chenzhou. This contest is organized by The Education Department of Hunan Province and Xiangnan University. Over 200 players from different colleges in Hunan province participate in the contest. The contest concludes nine terms - Nazionale cantanti (Chinese folk song singing), Bel canto, popular singing, Chinese musical instruments, Western instruments, Piano, Modern dance, Classical dancing and folk dance.

Under the guidance of nine instructors, nine students from the college of Music and Dance of HFNU enter the final. Finally, Xiang Shang, Gao Weiduo, Gu Linfei and Shen Sidan respectively win the first prize on the group of Nazionale cantanti (Chinese folk song singing), Popular singing, Piano and Chinese musical instruments. Zhou Zixiong, Xiao Tong and Ge Miaojia respectively win the second prize on the group of Western instrument, Classical dancing and Folk dance. Yang Yuxing and Wang Xiao win the third prize on the group of Bel canto and Modern dance.  

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