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Four Clubs of HFNU Awarded 2017 Best College Student Associations in Hunan Province

Recently, organized by the Hunan Communist Youth League and Students' Federation in Hunan province, the 2017 Best College Student Associations Competition, decided by the Internet votes, have its award ceremony held in CSUFT. Four associations, including Voluntary Teaching Association, English Association, JBS(Just Big Star)Hip-pop Association and Painting Association of HFNU, are awarded ‘Excellent Associations’, who emerge from over 900 associations in Hunan Province.

The competition has been organized for three years, which has won attention and applause from teachers and students at colleges and universities. More than nine hundred associations from about 100 universities participate in the contest, voted by over 2 million people with the voting amount up to 4.9 million. Judged by public voting on the Internet and some experts, it has finally named many awards - 110 'Best Associations', 10 'Outstanding Organizers' and 10 ' Best Instructors'.

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