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The reunion party for 1976 alumni held in HNFNU

From Nov.5 to Nov.6, more than120 class1976 alumni returned to alma mater to celebrate40th anniversarygraduation.On Nov.5,alumnigathered together,visited the place where they studied and met respectable teaches, pondering their past. All of these have showed feelingsof missingand gratitude.

On Nov 6th morning,the university held a meeting on video-meeting-room on Dong Fanghong campus with 1976 alumni.The party secretary of school, Mr.Peng Xiaoqi, the vice president ,Liu Hongxiang together with secretary-general of Schoolmate union, Deng Chaohui were present. The party secretary expressed welcome and congratulations to them and introduced the development of our school. At the end of the meeting, two sides exchanged gifts.

In the afternoon, alumni held an event named after“Thank you my dear school”.They shared memories and experiences in the school. They owned achievements they made to the mother school.Besides, alumni made memory book andcreateda group song to remember thefriendshipbetween alma school and classmates.

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