On the morning of 19th,the delegationfrom Shigaprefectureof Japan, led byNishikawa Tadao(seniordirector ofTourism andInternational ExchangeBureau)and Saki Itonori (Vice Dean of Faculty of Liberal Arts and Education in Shiga Univeristy),were present in 2016 Hunan international friendship city education and friendly exchange activities,and they also visitedHNFNU, andPresidentTong Xiaojiao held the reception.
The delegationvisitedChengnan Campus and theMao Zedong Memorial Hall. Latertheyhadfriendly talkswithPresident Tong.President Tong brieflyintroducedthe history and current conditionsofHNFNU.Shehoped thatShiga university and HNFNUcould make full use of the chance tobuildcooperativerelationships and continue to enhanceexchangeson teachersandresearchesin an effort toboostmutualdevelopment.
Nishikawa Tadao andSaki Itonoriexpressed theirpleasure invisitingHFNUN,thinkingit wasa blessto work in suchabeautifuluniversity. Friendly city tiesbetween Shiga prefecture and Hunan provincewere builtin1983.Communicationsbetweentwo sides in the past 33 yearswerefrequent.This time,we hopethe relation between us will be promotedfurther.