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Delegation of HNFNU Visited Universities in UK and France

From September 7th to 15th, to deepen cooperative relationships, the School Party Secretary of HNFNU Peng Xiaoqi led a delegation to visit University of South Brittany , University of London and attended the British education research association meeting in Leeds University.

When visiting France, HNFNU signed with University of South Brittany a letter of intent for cooperation in education and academic study. Mr. Peng introduced our research advantages , teaching conditions , teaching management and hardware facilities. Besides, the two sides exchanged views on other issues. When visiting UK, the delegation had a talk with the dean of Education School in London university about the possibility of cooperation in education studies and teacher training. Mr. Peng hoped that both schools can cooperate onthe basis of mutual trust and mutual benefit. The dean said HNFNU had rich first-hand experience in education ,both schools can learn from each other. He also expressed willingness to cooperate with our school.

Besides, the delegation attended the 2016 British education research association meeting in Leeds University and harvested the latest research developments from different countries.

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