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Political Sunday Forums Benefits Students

The forum activity of the School of Marxism Study “Three Newness and Four Self-confidence”came at the expected time in this term/ came as expected in this term. 7 unique lecturers were invited to deliver speeches. Their contents are informative and interesting, effectively promoting students' professional abilities and teaching skills.

Jiang Hongbin, a professor of Hunan Normal University, explained the importance of “Teacher's Professional Ethics” in detail. Ai Jianling, the curator of Memorial Hall of HFNU and Chairman Mao, gave a useful etiquette lesson to students through deeds and words.Near the end of the semester internship, the school also invited students Li Jie, Gao Yuan and Long Qianci to share experience, who represented their own excellent demonstration lessons and shared the teaching methods of ideological and political course in secondary and primary school to the other students.

The Sunday forum “Three Newness and Four Self-confidence”is one of the featured activities in the core literacy development project of students in the School of Marxism Study, which has opened to the whole school. “Three Newness and Four Self-confidence" contains two special meanings:For one thing, the school invited experts of related experts to give a lecture at 7:00 p.m. every Sunday for implementing General Secretary Xi's new concept, idea and strategy of governing into minds of college students, and cultivating our college students' self-confidence to the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. For another, we should show the new concept, content and class to normal school students, develop the credibility and self-confidence, and keep firm attitude and become confident in education. With this, normal students will achieve the largest development in the filed of core teaching literacy.

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