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The Second Go Group Championship of Hunan Held in the Second Attached Primary School of HFNU

From October 28th to 29th, the Second Go Group Championship of Hunan was held successfully in the Second Attached Primary School of HFNU. This competition was organized by Hunan Chess Association and Hunan Students Sports Association and co-organized by the Second Attached Primary School. World champion and the head coach of the Chinese team, Yu Bin, the vice party secretary of our university Liu Zhimin and other leaders were present at the opening ceremony and the competition sites.

20 delegations and 80 players from the Hunan province joined the competition. After 2 days of dead heat fights, our First Attached School defended championship and the Second Attached School won the second prize. There were 4 students won the Best Individual Player Award. 8 delegations won the Outstanding Organization Award and 6 delegations won the Ethic Award.

As the organizer, the Second Attached Primary School has been offering students go courses every week, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude to discover and cultivate talents since 2000.During past 17 years, there were 4000 students received go training and about 400 students got different dans of this game. The head claimed that their training goal is “doing with principles and innovation”, which was the same as the core of go.

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