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Holding the test of the teacher’s professional skills to normal university students in our college

On April 7th to 17th ,Teaching Affaires Office used the free time in the afternoon or at weekends to organize the teacher’s professional skills’test.AndMr.Jang Zhengyun(subdecanal of school) attended it.

The assessment object for the class of 2013 four-year undergraduate normal students, which are made up of total of 1658. Assessment of the project including chalk, pen writing, calligraphy, brief strokes, general spectrum of solfeggio, micro teaching and queue password.Students who passing the test, the university will award them the certificate of normal university student‘s the teacher’s professional skills grade.

The teacher's professional skills assessment of normal university student in our school has been carried out since 2011,which has achieved a good effect, effectively supervised the students' teaching skills training ,further consolidated the students' basic teaching skills and significantly enhanced the students' teaching ability.

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