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2017 HFNU Volleyball Match Held

On April 21st, our university’s volleyball match in 2017 came to a successful conclusion. The competition is divided into two groups: the professional group and the amateurish group. More than 20 teams from 10 majors participated in the competition. After fierce competition, School of Educational Sciences, School of Mathematics and Computer Science, School of Foreign Languages won the male's top three.School of Foreign Languages, School of Mathematics and Computer Science, School of Literature and Journalism won women's top three. Class 2 of 2015, class 3 of 2015, class 1 of 2016 won the professional group's top three.

Volleyball league is our school's annual fixed sports event. In thismatch,our students developed the indomitable spirit of women's volleyball team. The fierce and wonderful competition drew close attention of all the teachers and students. Through the competition, the communication between the departments has been enhanced, and the atmosphere of good campus sports culture has been created.

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