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Two “Overseas Famous Teachers” Projects and One Project for Overseas Research and Studies of Our University Approved

Recently, twotailoredfunds supporting “overseas master teachers project”ofour university havebe approved.Oneof the expertsis Patricia Alvarez McHatton from America who is engaged in the study of education. Another is WangSong from Australia studying operation and optimize.Under the project, thetwo experts’ work includes course teaching, academic research and discussion, young teachers instruction as well as lecture delivery in fraternal institutions with project funds of 100 thousand yuan respectively.

Theapprovalisanaffirmation to the achievementswedidlast year, laying vital importance for our university to introduce excellent educational resources, open wider to the outside world, improve the level of subjects construction and the quality of talents cultivation to strengthen competitive strength subject or professional fields.

Moreover, Doctor SunYuan in the college of Information Science and Engineering has won the project for overseas research and studies of pilot program of professional and comprehensive reform in “the 13th five-year” plan of colleges and universities in Hunan province. He willbefinanced by Education Department of Hunan Province to studyaboardfor a year.

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