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The Workstation of Mathematics Education and Applied Mathematics Academicians of HNFNU selected as Academicians and Experts Workstation of Hunan Province

Recently, Hunan Science and Technology Department has announced the second batch of 2016 Hunan AcademiciansWorkstation list. The Workstation of Mathematics Education and Applied Mathematics Academiciansof our school wasonit. This is the first Academician Expert Workstation of Hunan Province authorized in our school, and isalso the firstmathematicalsubject academician workstation in our province.

The Mathematics Education and Applied Mathematics Academician is organized by the School of Mathematics and Computer and the research team led by dean Lin Qun in Chinese Academy of Science. It focuseson mathematics education ,the popularization of calculous science, high performance numerical algorithm ,optimization theory and some other aspects to develop cooperative research and personal training. Thesettingof this Academician Workstation will improve the applied mathematics’ scientific and creative ability and academic influence, andin turnofferabetterplatform for the “doubt top ”subject construction and high-quality mathematics personal training.

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